Urban Areas Non-point source (NPS) pollution associated with urban stormwater runoff occurs when rain water washes over areas such as roads, parking lots and roofs and then discharges into nearby streams or other water bodies. Pollutants associated with urban stormwater runoff include: increased runoff volume and velocity, increased water temperature, and a myriad of chemical pollutants associated with automobiles and road maintenance activities. Rain or storm water runoff can also come from town and city sources such as lawns and construction sites.
See the below list of funding resources which can help you address urban runoff pollution in your communities:
This grant is administered through the Pennsylvania Department of Community and Economic Development (DCED). Commonly referred to as CDBG, the overarching goal of the program is to assist communities in the planning, preparation and execution of community development projects designed to address significant needs of low and moderate-income residents. The program encourages economic development opportunities which result in job growth and creation in identified areas of need. For more information about this program, including eligibility requirements, visit http://bit.ly/18sGPAC.
Pennsylvania’s Dirt and Gravel Road Maintenance Program provides grant funding to local municipalities in order to eliminate stream pollution caused by runoff and sediment from unpaved and low-volume roads. Townships and other road-owning entities apply to their local conservation district for these funds to address identified pollution problems using environmentally-sound road maintenance practices. All grant applicants must have completed a two-day training course entitled “Environmentally Sensitive Road Maintenance” focused on lowering maintenance costs and reducing stream pollution. For more information about available funding, visit https://bit.ly/2IzcKNA.
The purpose of the state-funded Growing Greener Grant Program is to implement local, watershed-based planning, restoration and protection efforts to improve the quality of Pennsylvania’s water resources. Learn more about eligibility, the yearly grant round and submission requirements for these grants, at http://bit.ly/17Q0IF5.
The Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection receives Section 319 NPS Program grants through the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency to implement the state’s approved Nonpoint Source Management Program. Funding is provided annually to states in the form of a grant which is allocated to help implement stream and lake restoration projects, including urban storm water runoff reduction projects, in priority watersheds and to help carry forth the mission of the state’s NPS Program. Eligible applicants for Section 319 NPS Program funding include groups such as: Incorporated Watershed Associations; Counties and Municipalities; County Conservation Districts; and Councils of Government. For more information about this funding, visit http://bit.ly/17Q0IF5.
One of the principal goals of the Watershed Restoration and Protection Program (WRPP), administered by the Commonwealth Financing Authority, is to restore and maintain restored stream reaches through the implementation of urban storm water reduction and infiltration practices. Projects which involve the construction, improvement, expansion, repair, maintenance or rehabilitation of new or existing urban storm water reduction and infiltration practices are considered for funding. Eligible groups include municipalities, Councils of Governments, institutions of higher education, watershed organizations, and for-profit businesses. For more information, visit https://bit.ly/3pSfrfb.